Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Term 3

Welcome back to Term 3!
We have a very busy term ahead. Please check below for key events happening this term. I would like to mention how impressed I have been with the dedication the children of Room 28 have shown towards their homework and Typing Club, both last term and this term. I encourage you to continue to allow your child to access a computer/laptop at home to use Typing Club regularly.

Merit Certificates
Jaedyn, Ava, Milla and Maria-Bella have been doing an incredible job in Room 28 and are very deserving of their merit certificates. Congratulations, I am so proud of you!
Fantastic efforts, Ava, for the hard work you have put in to improving your Principal's Challenge results last term! Keep it up :)

Semester Two Class Councillors
Congratulations to Shanuel and Milla on being voted as our class representatives for Semester Two. I am sure you will represent our class with pride and responsibility. 

Book Week
Book Week will be held in Week 6. The Book Week Dress-Up Parade is scheduled for Friday of Week 6.
As per the note that went home in Week 3, we are celebrating Book Week by conducting poetry recitals. These need to be rehearsed repeatedly at home as students will be marked on their presentations. Please see the details and schedule below.

  • We will be celebrating Science Week in Week 4 this term. Students will be learning about Physical Sciences (push and pull) and working on a STEM project throughout the term.
  • The first junior assembly for the term has been rescheduled for Thursday of Week 5.
  • Cross Country is scheduled for Friday of Week 5. More details will be communicated closer to the time.
  • The Faction Carnival (Athletics Carnival) is scheduled for Friday of Week 7, pending the weather. More details will be communicated closer to the time.
  • The second junior assembly for the term is scheduled for Friday of Week 9.
  • Learning Journeys are scheduled for Tuesday of Week 10 of this term. More details will be communicated closer to the time.

As always, please don't hesitate to come and see me if you have any questions.
Miss Ahearn