Thursday, March 21, 2019

ICT Skills

Our class has been working hard on our Computer Skills in the classroom and in the computer lab with Mr Meacham. This includes using the various functions in Microsoft Word, coding BlueBots and touch typing. 

BlueBot dance competition!

As previously mentioned, the children of Room 28 are learning to touch type this year. Whilst I am aware that some parents would prefer not to let their child on the home computer/laptop, I encourage you to do so, as it is vital that they get as much practice as possible. Not only is it a valuable life skill, but Year 3 students next year will be typing up their NAPLAN writing pieces. Touch typing and general familiarisation with the keyboard will be highly beneficial.
Username: [your child's name]28
Password: room28

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Congratulations to Asha, Amber and Kaden who received Merit Certificates at the last Junior Assembly. These students have been working very hard and have been showing lots of kindness and respect. You are AMAZING!

Parent Information Night

Thank you to all the parents who were able to come to Room 28's Parent Information Night. If you have any further questions or were unable to attend, please don’t hesitate to come and speak with me. I have attached a link to the information presented.

The below information was explained at the Parent Information Night, however I would like to reiterate it again and for those who were unable to attend.

We have a child in our class with a serious peanut allergy. Please do not pack your child’s lunch with nuts, nut bars or peanut butter.

Please do not feel obliged to bring in a treat for the class on your child’s birthday. It is NOT an expectation. However if you would like to, please refrain from bringing in a whole cake that needs to be cut up or anything that must be refrigerated.

All About Me Presentations

In Week 4, students participated in the Speaking and Listening task 'All About Me'. They gave a short presentation to the class with a focus on using appropriate body language and a loud clear voice. 
Everyone did a fantastic job and it was so lovely to get to know the students even better!